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DBS Film Student's Video of Dublin Goes Viral

Ammar Saleh, a second year BA (Hons) Film student at DBS has achieved what many can only ever hope for - his video has gone viral.  The video, which Ammar recorded between December 2014 and March 2015 shows videos of Dublin city captured in a 5 minute time lapse video.  A variety of Dublin landmarks feature in the video, such as the Spire on O'Connell Street, Christchurch, Stephen's Green, the Custom House and many more.  The result is a spectacular piece of work which highlights the real beauty of Dublin city.
The video has had over 25,000 views on YouTube and was featured on websites such as,, and 

We caught up with Ammar and asked him a few questions:

What made you choose Film at DBS?

Photography and filming has been a hobby of mine since I was young. I wanted to have a job that I love instead of working on something that I don't like for the rest of my life. I really believe if you love your job you can be creative. DBS is a well-respected college, and I have lots of friends who went there and enjoyed it. So that is really why I choose Film at DBS.

What inspired you to make this video?

I've always loved watching time lapse videos. You see the places like you've never seen them before. Dublin is such a beautiful city with stunning old buildings and great architecture work. It is pretty inspiring!

What do you want to do in the future?

I would love to be a director and start my own business back in Kuwait.

Ammar is currently studying on the BA (Hons) Film programme at DBS.