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DBS Theatre Studies Lecturer launches new book

DBS Theatre Studies lecturer Dr. Thomas Madden has released a new book “The Making of an Artist – Creating the Irishman Micheál MacLiammóir.” The book is a portrayal of the formative years of Micheál MacLiammóir, an actor, playwright, artist, linguist, raconteur and co-founder of Dublin’s Gate Theatre. 

Dr. Madden’s  book gives a fascinating account of a man born in Cockney London and christened Alfred Willmore, who in his teens moved to Dublin and set about creating an entirely new persona, while also becoming one of Ireland’s leading stage actors. While living in Ireland, MacLiammóir became fluent in Irish, immersed himself in Irish culture and was gripped by the social unrest in Dublin as Ireland fought for independence.

The story is told through hundreds of previously unseen letters and diary entries, as well as correspondence between the actor and his closest friends. These provide a fascinating glimpse in to MacLiammóirs creative growth. “The Making of an Artist” is brilliantly researched and makes an important contribution to our appreciation of one of Ireland’s greatest artists. 

“The Making of an Artist” was launched in Dublin on Monday May 11th in the Abbey Theatre, Dublin and was attended by fellow DBS Lecturers, Dr. Paul Hollywood, Dr. Heikki Laiho and Dr. Micheál Ó Fathartaigh.