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Springboard+ 2015 Launches

Springboard Logo

Springboard+ 2015 has just been launched with the largest offering of free part-time and full-time higher education places to provide reskilling and upskilling opportunities for up to 9,000 jobseekers.

Springboard+ 2015 incorporates part-time Springboard courses and full-time ICT skills conversion programmes and will provide for 285 courses at 42 higher education institutions across Ireland.

DBS is offering a wide range of courses across the areas of Information & Communication Technology, International Financial Services, Cross Enterprise Skills, Skills for Enterprise to Trade Internationally as well as a number of ICT skills conversion programmes.

Since 2011, 20,000 jobseekers have participated on Springboard courses with a €85 million investment from the Exchequer.

At the launch, Minister of State for Skills, Research and Innovation Damien English T.D. said, “I am delighted that new data from the Department of Social Protection shows that 74% of all Springboard participants between 2011 and 2014 are no longer on the Live Register.”

“The latest Springboard survey respondents have also reported that 95% of jobs they get are in Ireland and 49% are located outside Dublin.”

Visit our course pages for more information on Springboard and ICT Skills programmes at DBS.