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Steven Benedict on Film @ DBS

Film at DBS

Film in DBS has long been a popular choice for students looking to expand their knowledge in the area. To find out a bit more about the subject, and Film in DBS, we met with Lecturer, Radio Broadcaster, Writer, Producer and Director Steven Benedict.

What makes DBS such a good choice?

According to Steven, cameras are one thing and embracing technology and embracing digital are another.  “DBS has students editing, writing scripts, studying sound and lighting, they’ve got their hands on cameras and that’s the main thing. In some other colleges it’s all theory and not practical at all. DBS has embraced digital filmmaking and technology.”  He compares it to going to Ballymaloe to study culinary delights, and only reading about it. That’s not the way at DBS, where students are given the tools to create their own work.

“People who want to study Film want to get their hands on a camera, they want to film. They also want to sit in class and watch films. The great thing about studying Film is, when you’re watching a movie you can never be accused of not studying. “

What makes a student stand out?

According to Steven it is mainly effort. “Work is a moral act. If you’re working you’re being honest; whether it’s for good intention or bad intention you’re working. “

Steven realises that lecturers have a part to play in getting the most out of a student as well.  “There’s nothing worse than a student who’s gifted, talented and motivated but they’re not getting anything from the teacher, and they’re bored. I remember when I was a student and the first day I came in to class, when the lecture started you could literally hear ten years of repetition coming through the voice.” In contrast Steven has no need to worry about his own classes, having had them described by students as “you put on a show,”.  He likes to put forward his own interest and enthusiasm.   

It’s this captivation of students, allowing them create and build an understanding of the importance of the practical in studying Film that makes DBS the right choice to study.

If you want to read more about Film @ DBS click here.