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On Wednesday February 17th, an excited group of DBS students and staff members packed in to an Auditorium at the Aungier Street campus for the inaugural TEDXDBSLive event, an independently organised TED2016 event put together by the final year Marketing with Event Management class.  

The event saw five speakers, inspirational leaders and corporate directors, streamed live from the main stage in Vancouver directly in to Aungier Street, Dublin. Each talk was followed by a Q&A session with DBS Lecturer Alan Morgan, where audience members could discuss ideas and opinions.  

The speakers on the day were:

Adam Savage, Mythbusters

Cédric Villani, Mathematician

Haley Van Dyck, co-founder of the United States Digital Service

Joe Gebbia, co-founder and CPO of Airbnb

Travis Kalanick, CEO of Uber

As well as that we heard from the American percussion quartet, So Percussion.  

There was also the presence of a dream wall in the Auditorium, where students wrote down their dreams for the future keeping in line with the 'dream' theme of TED2016. DBS was one of few colleges worldwide to be granted a licence to stream the event from Vancouver, the event was also filmed and photographed to be shown on the main stage in Vancouver.