DBS Graduation

DBS upcoming Open Events

Join us for our upcoming Open Evening, see listing below:

On Campus - Thursday, August 29th, 5pm-7pm

Our Open Events present the ideal opportunity to:

- Speak with our team of expert lecturers
- Gain first-hand information on the courses we offer across a variety of disciplines including Business, Finance, Computing, Media, Law, Psychology, Arts and Social Science.

Our faculty members, admissions team and welcoming staff will be on hand to guide you and answer any questions you may have regarding the courses we offer.

Full-Time Undergraduate Degree Programmes
Part-Time Undergraduate Degree Programmes
Postgraduate Programmes
Professional Diplomas
Professional Accountancy

Register for an Upcoming Open Event

Full-time Undergraduate Programmes
Evening Business or Law Degrees Programmes
Evening Arts Degree Programmes
Postgraduate Programmes
Evening Diploma Programmes
Professional Accountancy Programmes
Programmes for International Students
FREE Springboard+ Programmes
FREE ICT Skills Programme
Online Courses at DBS
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